Đặt câu với từ "raise questions|raise question"

1. Corpses raise questions, questions raise armies.

2. These discoveries raise intriguing questions.

3. (b) What questions does this incident raise?

4. Such views raise pertinent questions that deserve answers.

5. These raise questions like: What is sustainable tourism?

6. This is a perfectly valid question to raise.

7. Biden’s farm problem: Booming sales raise questions about bailout money

8. How dare you raise such a random question while I'm talking?

9. Biometrics raise thorny questions about privacy and the potential for abuse.

10. In a prospective Cohort study, researchers raise a question and form a

11. It does raise the question of how pigeons detect the magnetic field.

12. Special Agent Abdel - Hafiz ' s actions raise some urgent and important questions :

13. Biometrics may raise thorny questions about privacy and the potential for abuse.

14. If you raise your hands, I'll answer questions one at a time.

15. Senate Minority Leader Phil Berger , R - Rockingham, said the pay increases raise questions.

16. Such a move would certainly raise attention and many questions across the country.

17. * Such stories only “furnish questions for research” —that is, raise frivolous questions that lead to pointless research.

18. (b) What heartwarming invitation did Jesus extend, and what questions does this raise?

19. Raise shields.

20. It'd raise the dead, kill them, and raise them again.

21. This allows the public to participate in and raise questions on public finance decisions.

22. What is trivial to one person may raise titanic questions for some one else.

23. Raise yourself, peacock!

24. Is to raise.

25. Raise your head.

26. ♫ Giggle at the questions ♫ ♫ their mere presence seems to raise. ♫

27. Raise your arms

28. Raise the bridges!

29. Raise search periscope.

30. Raise your hands!

31. Raise your weapons!

32. If we raise the age of retirement, the AARP will raise hell.

33. Raise your weapons.

34. These findings raise the question of whether Bradykinin mediates angioedema.We measured plasma Bradykinin in patients

35. Raise the curtain.

36. Raise your knees.

37. The resurgence of the Ayodhya agitation and the violence surrounding it raise two important questions .

38. Raise the outer gate.

39. What steps have those presenting themselves for baptism already taken, and what questions does this raise?

40. Anything that deviates from what is customary is going to raise questions among the peer group.

41. Can't raise the nose.

42. She'll raise holy hell.

43. Raise your arms, please.

44. Raise your hands high!

45. You raise the question of allocating part of that amount for the benefit of the Community budget.

46. 14 How did financial seismic sea wave superintend money market this to raise a lot of question.

47. A few media may be compared when interview euphemistic, the question that raise is not quite acerb .

48. For AARP, these shifts raise questions about how older people will live: Will their communities be “livable”?

49. Now I will raise the boy the way his father told me to raise him.

50. Question: Will we raise the issue of the Chinese presence in PoK and the stapled visas issue?

51. Do not raise fucking hackle.

52. You give her a raise?

53. Raise the bag a little.

54. He just got a raise.

55. French raise a big stink.

56. Object warlike raise one's hand.

57. Yes. I got a raise.

58. Why did you raise me?

59. Then don't raise her again.

60. The question that you raise with regard to development projects is becoming an increasingly across-the-board one.

61. Activate, Raise or Minimize Task

62. And I expect a raise.

63. But the ad hominem attacks on Rajan in recent months raise large questions with serious implications for India.

64. 29 I wanted to raise a question to the chairman but in a moment I lost my nerve.

65. 4 Thereinafter educe universality guidance disciplinarian of exiting line raise speed, for other raise speed line reference.

66. 14 Where environmental protection measures raise questions of equity in international trade, these should be recognised and discussed.

67. 26 Where environmental protection measures raise questions of equity in international trade, these should be recognised and discussed.

68. All she needed to do was raise the hemlines, raise the heels, and leave off the wimple.

69. The agency may not raise loans

70. Did they raise the terror alert?

71. Raise it up the master's arse!

72. The agency may not raise loans.

73. Investment and ability to raise capital

74. I know how to raise children.

75. There are, nevertheless, features of the Maastricht text which raise questions of general legal interest, irrespective of its fate.

76. Raise the flag of freedom high!

77. I’ll raise you if you fall.

78. You had a raise in February.

79. 8 I didn't get a raise.

80. Media advocacy helps raise public awareness